About me
My name is Oleksii Shevtsov. I was born in Kyiv, Ukraine, at the end of 1980s. I have always been a curious child and most of all wanted to understand how the world around me really works. Superficial knowledge was not enough, and I was ready to dig much deeper to satisfy my curiosity. It was inevitable that I would end up in a scientific career later on.
When the time came to choose my first profession, I made a decision to enter the Physics Department of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. It would be a lie to say that I fully understood the implications and consequences of this choice, let alone what to do with it after the graduation. Fast-forward 10 years, I have defended my PhD in Theoretical Physics, and worked as a post-doc (fixed-term contract researcher) at some of the best universities in Sweden and the USA. The scientific career seemed to shape up, but I was not satisfied. Getting a permanent job in academia looked like a step backward. Heavy bureaucracy and a permanent race for funding did not seem like a good use of my time. I was up for a new challenge.
The new chapter of my life started in 2018, when I decided to enter the private sector job market. I knew the competition was high, and I really wanted to leverage my scientific experience to bring a new perspective and unique approach to tackling some of the industry's toughest problems. I had extensive experience in data analysis and several programming languages, so becoming a software engineer was a natural choice. This was a new field for me, though, where quality code and software design matter a lot. I made my research to identify what it really means to be a good software engineer and have been on this path ever since.
For my post-academic journey I moved back to Sweden in August 2018, where I am living with my wife now. Since then I have worked as a software engineer in multiple sectors: automotive, aviation, and now — green energy.
The path I have taken is far from straight, and I could never imagine to come to where I am now. I enjoy solving difficult problems, designing complex systems, and use software as a tool to make it possible. The curiosity and hunger for knowledge that brought me here are even stronger than before. As a big fan of new and emerging technologies closely intertwined with science, I am eager to see what the future holds for us and make my contribution to bring this to reality.
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